Committee RecommendationS
That Council:
1. Direct
Real Estate Partnerships and Development Office (REPDO) to negotiate the
acquisition of a parcel of land adjacent to the Carp Fairgrounds and City-owned
parkland, commonly known as the Honeywell lands on Langstaff Drive (described
in Document 1) and for REPDO to then proceed to obtain approval for the
acquisition from Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee and Council.
2. (a)
Direct the Deputy City Manager of City Operations to negotiate and execute a
sports field partnership agreement for development of a parcel of land at 5650
Mitch Owens Drive, to be known as the George Nelms Sports Park, based on the
framework in Document 2; and
(b) Subject to the Deputy City Manager
of City Operations negotiating and executing the partnership agreement as set
forth in Recommendation 2(a) above,
direct REPDO to negotiate the acquisition of the above noted parcel of
land at 5650 Mitch Owens Drive and for REPDO to then proceed to obtain approval
for the acquisition from Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee and Council.
RecommandationS DU Comité
Que le Conseil :
1. enjoindre
le Bureau des partenariats et du développement en immobilier d’acquérir une
parcelle de terrain adjacente au champ de foire de Carp et à des terrains à
vocation de parc appartenant à la Ville, connus sous le nom de terrains
Honeywell, sur le chemin Langstaff (décrits dans le document 1) et d’obtenir
l’approbation de cette acquisition auprès du Comité de l’agriculture et des
affaires rurales et du Conseil;
2. a) enjoindre
le directeur municipal adjoint des Opérations municipales de négocier et
d’exécuter l’entente de partenariat pour un terrain de sport en vue de
l’aménagement d’une parcelle de terrain située au 5650, promenade Mitch Owens,
devant porter l’appellation de Parc sportif George-Nelms, selon le cadre énoncé
dans le document 2;
b) sous
réserve de la négociation et de l’exécution de l’entente de partenariat
mentionnée en a) par le directeur municipal adjoint des Opérations municipales,
d’enjoindre le Bureau des partenariats et du développement en immobilier de
négocier l’acquisition de la parcelle de terrain mentionnée ci-dessus et située
au 5650, promenade Mitch Owens, et d’obtenir ensuite l’approbation de cette
acquisition auprès du Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales et du
City Manager's report, City Operations dated 24 September 2009
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee
Comité de l'agriculture et des questions rurales
and Council / et au Conseil
24 September 2009 / le 24 septembre 2009
Submitted by/Soumis par : Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager/
Directeur municipal adjoint,
City Operations/Opérations
Contact Person/Personne ressource :
Aaron Burry, General Manager / Directeur général,
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services /
Parcs, loisirs et services culturels
(613) 580-2424 x
23666, Aaron.Burry@ottawa.ca
That Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee
recommend Council
1. Direct
Real Estate Partnerships and Development Office (REPDO) to negotiate the
acquisition of a parcel of land adjacent to the Carp Fairgrounds and City-owned
parkland, commonly known as the Honeywell lands on Langstaff Drive (described
in Document 1) and for REPDO to then proceed to obtain approval for the
acquisition from Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee and Council.
2. (a) Direct the Deputy City Manager of City
Operations to negotiate and execute a sports field partnership agreement for
development of a parcel of land at 5650 Mitch Owens Drive, to be known as the
George Nelms Sports Park, based on the framework in Document 2; and
(b) Subject to the Deputy City Manager of City Operations negotiating
and executing the partnership agreement as set forth in Recommendation 2(a)
above, direct REPDO to negotiate the
acquisition of the above noted parcel of land at 5650 Mitch Owens Drive and for
REPDO to then proceed to obtain approval for the acquisition from Agriculture
and Rural Affairs Committee and Council.
Que le Comité de
l’agriculture et des questions rurales recommande au Conseil :
1. d’enjoindre
le Bureau des partenariats et du développement en immobilier d’acquérir une
parcelle de terrain adjacente au champ de foire de Carp et à des terrains à
vocation de parc appartenant à la Ville, connus sous le nom de terrains
Honeywell, sur le chemin Langstaff (décrits dans le document 1) et d’obtenir
l’approbation de cette acquisition auprès du Comité de l’agriculture et des
affaires rurales et du Conseil;
2. a) d’enjoindre le directeur municipal adjoint
des Opérations municipales de négocier et d’exécuter l’entente de partenariat
pour un terrain de sport en vue de l’aménagement d’une parcelle de terrain
située au 5650, promenade Mitch Owens, devant porter l’appellation de Parc
sportif George-Nelms, selon le cadre énoncé dans le document 2;
b) sous réserve de la négociation et de
l’exécution de l’entente de partenariat mentionnée en a) par le directeur
municipal adjoint des Opérations municipales, d’enjoindre le Bureau des
partenariats et du développement en immobilier de négocier l’acquisition de la
parcelle de terrain mentionnée ci-dessus et située au 5650, promenade Mitch
Owens, et d’obtenir ensuite l’approbation de cette acquisition auprès du Comité
de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales et du Conseil.
At its meeting of May 13, 2009
Council approved the following motion which emanated from the April 23 meeting
of the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee:
That Council direct staff to bring forward a
parkland acquisition report regarding the Carp Honeywell lands this Fall 2009,
prior to budget discussions
In its discussion of the Carp
Honeywell lands, there had also been discussion respecting the George
Nelms Sports Park located at 5650 Mitch Owens Drive. This report recommends parkland acquisitions related to both
sites as outlined in the following sections.
In 2003, the population of Carp was estimated to be 1,350. It is anticipated that with full development of all of the land within the village boundary, the population has the potential to grow in the range of 3,000 to 4,200 people.
With the additional population will come the requirement to deliver additional parks and recreational services, including land-based requirements and assets. In order to plan for the future, the Department is seeking to act on an opportunity which presently exist, to secure privately-owned lands prior to its residential development. Once this opportunity is lost, the City will not have another opportunity to meet its objective as it relates to the location.
In June 2004, City Council
approved a Community Design Plan for the Village of Carp addressing nine (9)
major components; (1) The vision for Carp, (2) Managing Growth, (3) Land Use
Plan, (4) Protecting and Strenghthening the Village Core (5) Attracting
Visitors to Village Destinations (6) road Network and Right-of-Way Protection
(7) recreation and Open Space (8) Implementation and (9) Summary of Priorities
and Responsibilities. This report addressess specifically Recreation and Open
Space which is one of many tools to implement Managing, and strategically
positioning the Department for the future.
This report and proposed land
acquisition meets several of the identified priorities as it relates to the
Carp Fairgrounds and Recreation and Open Space.
One of the objectives is to protect and enhance the fairgrounds as the Fair is a cultural icon for the area and represents the agricultural roots and history of the Village of Carp. The Fair continues to expand its offerings and as a result forsees the need for additional lands. The lands adjacent to the Carp Fairgrounds (Honeywell Lands) are strategically located in the centre of the village. They provide the only remaining undeveloped lands adjacent to the Carp Fairgrounds and the Village core. In the CDP, the lands were designated as Potential Fairground Expansion in order to provide the community an opportunity to determine the feasibility of acquiring these lands for public use. Within the time-frame for purchase (3 years), the public did express interest in the site, raising approximately $200,000 however this is far less than the anticipated Fair Market Value.
The lands commonly referred to as
the Carp Fairgrounds is comprised of two land owners (the City and Carp
Agricultural Society) with lease/access agreements with the community. Although
land ownership is not "neatly" consolidated, the lands fronting on
Juanita Avenue are primarily City-owned. These include a purchase of service
for the community operation of an outdoor rink, a ball diamond which is
permitted by the community, a water play area constructed under the Major Capital Community Partnership, a
tennis court, and further onto the site, W. Erskine Johnston arena, which is
available for use during the Fair. Lands on Carp Road are owned by the Carp
Agricultural Society, which includes various buildings and outdoor rings. Lands
fronting on Langstaff street, owned by the Society has a second ball diamond
which was used by the community but will no longer be available for their use
as the Society requires the land for its own use. The existing city-owned
curling facility, which abuts the Honeywell lands is leased at no cost to the
Given the ever-growing pressures on the existing site
between the Society's requirements and City's future requirements, the
acquisition will provide for future flexibility and enhancement to programs and
services available to area residents. Aging infrastructure will eventually need
to be replaced and with additional lands added to the holdings, an opportunity
will exist to consolidate landholdings for both groups in order to make the
site more efficient and adaptable to changing needs.
In January 2004, City Council approved a Sportsfield
Strategy that included a multi-pronged approach to increase the number of
sportsfields to meet user needs and demand in a manner, which is cost effective
and time efficient. The proposal meets two of the key tools detailed in the
Sportsfield Strategy:
Manotick Land Developments (MLD), now known as Centaurus
Partnership (CP), is a local community-based partnership, affiliated with a
not-for-profit sport organization (Ottawa South United Soccer). The partnership
was formed in order to advance the inventory of soccer fields available for use
by soccer groups in the south section of the city. MLD/CP purchased 32 acres of
land on Mitch Owens Drive, adjacent to St.Marks High School for the purpose of
developing an outdoor sportsfield complex, with the ultimate goal of seeing six
(6) soccer fields developed and associated amenities such as a parking lot and
a fieldhouse for use by local soccer groups (see Documents 3 and 4). Ottawa
South United Soccer (OSU) serves the southern area of the new City,
encompassing the former Osgoode Rideau Soccer Association and South Nepean
Soccer Clubs. OSU has over 6,300 playing members from ages 4 to 60+. Similar to
many other local clubs, applications for membership are being rejected due to
insufficient soccer fields available for use.
At the time of their initial Site Plan Application (2006), due to the anticipated increase in traffic generated by the site, a slip around was required for left-turning vehicles on Mitch Owens Drive. Under the sportsfield partnership, Parks and Recreation approved the financial contribution of $60,000 towards this requirement. Once the site is fully developed (including sportsfields #3, 4, 5 and 6) a full turning lane will be required.
Given that the project was becoming a larger endeavour than originally envisioned, MLD/CP approached the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department to explore the various forms of partnership that may be pursued to realize the project (e.g., donation of the land with a Federal tax credit returned to the owners; seeing the partners develop some of the fields; and/or the City developing the hard and/or soft infrastructure).
The Parks, Recreation and Culture Department has a keen interest in seeing this type of development as the Department is aware of the projected growth in the area that will see vacant pieces of land (prior to purchase) used for residential development. This partnership is supported by the Department’s City-wide Allocations Unit as currently the east end of the city is serviced by a multi field tournament facility at Millenium Park and the west is serviced by Walter Baker Park. Ottawa South United has used Stonebridge on the Jock Park as their tournament facility in the past, along with other locations, but has since had to limit their use at this facility due to parking constraints. A facility off Mitch Owens Drive with multi field complexes would be beneficial for regular and tournament use as well as help relieve the pressures at Stonebridge on the Jock Park.
Additionally, the Department has limited financial resources and ability to commit future capital budget items in terms of actual deadlines for financial contributions. As a result, a long-term approach taken by Parks, Recreation and Culture is to assure the site remains a sportsfield venue and over-time, develop it to its maximum potential. Accordingly, the framework, as proposed in Document 2, balances the community's need for fields and infrastructure with the Department’s ability to contribute.
Progress to-date
with their own resources actioned the site plan, completed the development of
the first two fields, parking lot and the slip around, which were in use this
season. Since the necessary equipment was on-site for the first two fields, the
entire site has been graded and the balance of the fields seeded.
The impacted Ward Councillors are aware and supportive of both acquisitions.
There are no legal/risk management impediments to implementing any of the Recommendations arising from this Report.
There are no financial implications with the recommendations in the report. Funds are available in the Parkland Reserve Fund for the acquisition of the Honeywell lands in 2009. The 2009 Park, Recreation and Cultural Services capital budget has the funds for the acquisition of land for George Nelms Park.
Document 1 - Honeywell lands (Immediately
follows the report)
Document 2 - Sportsfield
Partnership Framework (Immediately follows the report)
Document 3 - George Nelms Park
Site (Immediately follows the report)
Document 4 - Proposed Development (Immediately follows the report)
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services together with Realty Services and Legal Services will finalize the required transactions.
Document 1
Document 2
This document addresses the partnership and acquisition by the City of Ottawa of a 32 acre site on Mitch Owens Drive to the west of St Mark High School that is under development as an outdoor soccer facility comprising six full sized soccer fields, along with the associated access and parking amenities. The Centaurus Partnership (CP) acquired the site and financed the conversion of the raw land into a significant recreational asset that will assist in meeting the increasing demand for soccer field resources. The City of Ottawa has been approached under the Sportsfield partnership strategy by the owners with an offer to have the facility become part of the inventory of recreational lands, owned and eventually operated by the City. The favourable terms and conditions governing the transfer of the ownership of this significant recreational resource into public hands are set out herein.
The City of Ottawa (CO) to purchase the 32-acre property at an agreed upon Fair Market Value from Manotick Land Developments (MLD/CP) for the purpose of sportsfield development and issue a permit for use (i.e. occupancy permit, consent to enter) until site is ready to be used through the City’s Allocations of Sports field permits.
The CO will acquire the land at a mutually agreed upon Fair Market Value. The acquisition value will be satisfied through a combination of a cash payment and a donation receipt for income tax purposes. The current owners (CP) have agreed in principle to accept a 2-1 split; with two-thirds representing a cash payment and one third being settled by issuing a tax receipt. The FMV will be supported by independent appraisals prepared by appropriately qualified appraisers, which will address both the raw land value as well as the improvements already made to the site to create an active recreational facility.
MLD/CP will complete phase 1 of the development (2 fields, initial parking lot and required slip around) and prepare the other four fields in a “ready to go condition”, with confirmation of CO’s contribution of $60,000 towards the slip around. Ottawa South United (OSU) to get exclusive use of the two fields, at no cost for a 15 year period, provided OSU maintains the two fields.
CO will be responsible for all costs associated with the development of the remaining four fields and maintenance. CO is not in a position to commit to a time frame for the development and operationalization at this time or in the immediate future. Should CP and/or OSU wish to apply through the Branch’s Major Capital Partnership Program and if successful, the partnership would cost share the capital cost 50-50.
The CO recognizes OSU’s geographic servicing of the surrounding communities for soccer and sporting purposes and will allocated the four fields per our Allocation Policy but will not grant exclusive use to OSU.
The CO will once again attempt to engage the Ottawa Carleton Catholic School Board to determine if there are any potential synergies that may be beneficial with adjoining St Mark’s property when it is in a financial position to initiate phase 2 of the development.
The CO will submit and support through the Commemorative Naming Policy, naming of the site “George Nelms Sports Park – Parc sportif George Nelms”. Should OSU wish to recognize specific OSU soccer club trustees through a raised bronze plaque, CO fully supports on condition the plaque is bilingual (bilingualism policy) and is paid for by CP and/or OSU.
The CO cannot commit/guarantee that the facility will remain a sports park in perpetuity, as requested by the current owners as a condition of sale. However, having been properly re-zoned to parkland, past experience has shown it to be extremely difficult to secure Council support to eliminate a City-owned parkland, especially if the site continues to be used for its intended purpose.
Document 3
Document 4